Dude, where’s my shed?

Captain Pooh in Cacaland - one day on iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad (or not)It was one of that sunny morning when Captain Pooh felt for no reason at all that it was going to be a great day! Oh yeah!

Suddenly he felt an unusual pain in his belly, time has came for the delivery of the day. Quite early today. That chicken tikka masala for sure!

« Do not want to ruin my pants! » was thinking the captain and running so fast, he first thought he missed his favorite shed but looking back, there was nothing but an empty garden.

O dear, the so confortable shed, craftly done… was gone. Vanished into the air.

After released his mind, he decided to conquer the rest of the country looking for the lost shed.

« Whoever you are, you’re goin’ to pay for what you’ve doooooone! »

Captain Pooh in cacaland – one day on iPhone and iPod Touch (or not).

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