« Les pixels, c’est maintenant! »
French Pixident dans les Jardins de l’Élysée (photo officielle de Raymond Depardon).
French Pixident in the Elysee’s gardens (from the official photo by Raymond Depardon).
Whatever happens, Judgement Day, Apocalypse, End of the world, The Quickening, Armageddon,… you name it, the mayan calendar ends December 21, 2012.
Against all those predictions, one solution to keep a healthy mind and have your feet on the ground, a free printable calendar in PDF format featuring the only quote you need to know to survive :
If anything goes wrong in 2012, Desmond Hume will be my constant.
In exchange, we just ask you to post a Tweet or a Facebook share about it.
(download no longer available)
See you in another life, brothers.