teaser and flyers of smartphone game Brad Mitchum : lost in time

Brad Mitchum: lost in time - title gameBrad Mitchum is an archeologist who has travelled the four corners of the globe in the search of lost cities and legendary objects. As dawn breaks one sunny spring day he decides to take a break to find out more about a newly discovered talisman from his latest expedition.
Some time later whilts researching in a library, Brad is attacked by some mysterious metal balls.

He thought his adventures were over, he’s lost in time and he doesn’t see the funny side.


A true retro & oldschool gaming experience for your smartphone (windows Mobile, Android, bada, Ios and intel AppUp).

Developed by Angel Software, pixelised by Naaty Design and powered by the RabbitFactory by Bitrabbit.

Published by Astraware.

Astraware develops, publishes and sells award-winning games for iPhone™ and iPod®, BlackBerry® Android™, Windows® phone, Symbian, and Palm OS® smartphones and PDAs including Astraware Sudoku, Platypus, Tradewinds 2, GTS World Racing, Zuma, Bejeweled, and Text Twist.

Screenshots, video and more information available right here.

Teaser smartphone game Brad MitchumFlyer1 smartphone game Brad Mitchum - No need to catch flight 815 to get lostFlyer2 smartphone game Brad Mitchum - Sereib is the source of everythingFlyer3 smartphone game Brad Mitchum - Low cost time travelling

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